My Favorite Outfits I Wore In 2022

As we kick off a brand new year it’s so fun to start looking forward to all the new outfits and trends that await us in 2023. Fashion is so exciting to me and it’s a beautiful form of self-expression - to put yourself out there and dress for whatever mood you’re in. I love dreaming up new outfits that embrace trends and encourage me to branch out of my comfort zone. But sometimes the best outfit inspiration I get for the new year is to look back on some of my favorite outfits from the previous year! I was really proud of myself last year for trying out trends that I was initially very skeptical about, like bralettes and trouser shorts. As it turns out I really enjoyed wearing them and I got a little bit of a confidence boost from trying something new! It reminds me of the saying “you never know unless you try” so this year I’m taking that with me and pushing myself to continue to try new trends even when they might scare me. Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of my favorite fashion moments from 2022!

Which outfit was your favorite? Leave a comment and let me know! xx