A Change of Plans

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Happy Friday friends! The weekend has finally arrived, and I’m so excited for some downtime and to relax. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I actually have weekends off—after working in the retail industry for about 10 years, you get used to working weekends and nights and everything in between. But this isn’t just any weekend for Freddy and I, it’s the start of a week-long stay-cation! Today we were actually supposed to hop on a red-eye flight to London, and eventually make our way to Israel for a 10-day trip with my parents and a group from their church. It was a trip we had been planning for the past year, but sometimes plans change, and I’m learning that it’s okay when they do.

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My dad’s health has been improving so much over the last 6 months, and I’m so grateful for all of his treatment plans that have been working. For those who may not know, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer 2 years ago. It’s been a difficult journey, but God has been providing for him every step of the way. We were all really looking forward to experiencing the Holy Land together as a family and being in the places that we have only read about in the Bible. But we all felt like this wasn’t the best time to be going, and we would rather spend time together as a family here without all of the commotion of going abroad and being amongst crowds of people. After all, it doesn’t matter where we are, as long as we’re together!

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We’re hoping that in the coming years we will be able to reschedule our trip to Israel, but for now we’re excited to have a relaxing and restful week! Do you have any vacations planned this summer? I’d love to hear where you’re headed! xo