A Fresh Perspective For My Thirties

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been 30 for one month already! And exactly one month ago today I was celebrating at Disneyland with Freddy and some of my closest friends. It was honestly the best birthday present I could ever ask for 🥺🥳 and I’m already dreaming of our next trip to the Happiest Place on Earth! As excited as I was for my birthday, I also had a bit of anxiety leading up to it. Here I was turning 30 and entering a new decade without my Dad to share in that joy with me. As exciting as new milestones are, they will always be bittersweet. A month before my birthday though, I had a great conversation with my grandpa (my Dad’s dad) on his 90th birthday and he helped give me such an amazing perspective! He told me that he remembers what it was like turning 30 and that he felt like half of his life was already over, but looking back, it was really just the beginning! I’ve talked about this on the blog before, but it’s easy to fall into a comparison trap and feel like we need to be reach certain milestones in our life at a certain point. Talking to my grandpa reminded me that we’re all on our own path and there’s really no expectations or rules on how to live our life. All we can do is live our life to the fullest each day, be grateful for what we have, and celebrate the small and big moments along the way 🤍. I’m so grateful for my conversations with him and the wisdom he shares because it’s like having a piece of my Dad with me 🤗

Entering this new decade has given me a fresh perspective and in some ways I feel like I have a new lease on life. Everyone always says your 30s are some of your best years and I’m here for it! 👏🏻 For a good portion of my 20s, I struggled with trying to please others and caring too much about what others thought of me. I’m a 9 on the Enneagram, and if you’re familiar with this personality test, you may know that 9’s are also known as Peacemakers. We will do whatever it takes to maintain harmony with everyone around us and we avoid confrontation like the plague. As a result of this, I sometimes will do or say things just to avoid a disagreement; I’d much rather go with the flow than stand out or make a statement. It’s something I’m working on and honestly, I don’t want to waste any more precious time caring about the opinions of others 😉 All I want to do is just be ME 💖

This fresh outlook on life is something I’m also carrying over to my blog, which has been a passion of mine for the last several years. If you’ve been following along for any length of time, you may have noticed that my style has gone through some changes over the years. Something I’ve always loved about fashion is that it’s such a fun form of self expression and it’s ever-changing depending on your mood or the season of life that you’re in! Fashion shouldn’t have any rules or limits; my rule of thumb is wear whatever makes you happy, feel confident, but most of all, feel like YOU. My love for fashion all started with the infamous show What Not To Wear on TLC. I would watch it with my mom on Friday nights and I absolutely loved seeing the transformations that these people went through. It was so inspiring to see how clothing could truly impact someone’s mood, confidence, and outlook on life. As I watched that show I knew that I wanted to be in the fashion industry in some capacity. Thanks to other shows & movies like The Hills, Gossip Girl, The Devil Wears Prada, The Holiday, and Legally Blonde, my love for fashion continued to grow and blossom. This phrase is so corny but fashion truly is my passion and I love sharing it here with you!

What started out as a Disney blog 6 years ago, evolved into more of an everyday outfit diary, and more recently, my blog posts and Instagram feed were geared towards a desert boho vibe. Last year I really tapped back into bohemian style because it reminded me of my college years going line dancing every week and listening to country music on the radio 24/7. It also marked the season in my life when I met Freddy and fell in love 💛 It was so fun to reminisce on those years of my life through those outfits, but when I think about style that is true to me, it’s really about classic, timeless, and chic silhouettes. I’ve always gravitated towards feminine details like lace, ruffles, shades of pink, and dainty gold jewelry, and I’m really excited to share more of that with you on the blog and on Instagram! Some days that could translate into a pair of my favorite jeans, a white tee, and a red lip, or an outfit like what I’m wearing in these photos: a sleek pencil skirt with an oversized coat and a pair of fall-ready boots. I recently tried out the shacket trend that has been blowing up all over social media and fashion magazines for the last couple of months, and I have to say I’m all about it! I was very skeptical at first, but I ordered 5 from Nordstrom to try on at home and ended up keeping 3 so….needless to say I’m into them 😂 What I love about this trend is how versatile these shackets can be. Some of them are longer and are made of a thicker fabric, making them more of a true outerwear piece, while others are thinner and more like a shirt that you can wear unbuttoned or buttoned. Two of the three that I kept are definitely more of a jacket style that are perfect for colder weather (like the green one I’m wearing - currently under $60!), and the third one is shorter and thinner, definitely more of a shirt style but still long enough to cover your bum if you’re wearing leggings. I saved my try-on haul as a highlight over on my Instagram, and filmed a couple of reels with them too 😍

I’m calling it now that my 30’s are going to be AMAZING and I’m going to celebrate all the parts of me, even the parts that I’m maybe not so proud of, and strive to be the best version of myself for me, my family, and friends. Remember what T Swift said, “You’re the only one of you, baby that’s the fun of YOU!” 🎶 Cheers to being our beautiful, kind, brilliant, wonderful selves and using fashion as a true form of self-expression 🥰🥂