A Festive Christmas Party-Ready Outfit

I can’t believe Christmas is just a little over a week away! It feels like I just posted my first gift guide of the holiday season yesterday, when in fact that was December 1st…almost 2 whole weeks ago! I shouldn’t be that surprised since December always seems to fly by in a blink, but the month is basically halfway through and I haven’t even quite finished getting all of our Christmas decorations up in our apartment. We moved in almost 4 months ago (which is also hard to believe!) and we are still figuring out how to maximize storage in our 800-square-foot home. It actually doesn’t feel that small since our entire living/kitchen space is open-concept which I LOVE, but we definitely have less storage space than our previous apartment, so we still have some random odds and ends lying around that we haven’t found a forever home for yet. All of that to say, I’m a bit stumped on where to put some of our Christmas decorations and we don’t have room for a normal sized tree! We bought the tiniest tree ever from Whole Foods the other weekend - it’s literally 1 foot tall haha it’s basically just a little tree “topper”, but he’s adorable nonetheless and he’s sitting on a little cubby organizer that we have in our living room. I was able to put up more of our holiday decor this afternoon and now that all of my Christmas gift shopping is done, I’m feeling a bit more in the holiday spirit!

Another reason I wasn’t feeling all the Christmasy vibes was due to the fact that it has still been so warm here in Phoenix! The entire month of December so far it’s been in the 70’s and 80’s, which I’m sure sounds lovely for those of you who are freezing in other parts of the country 😉 but this warm weather has been keeping part of my holiday spirit at bay. However, this past weekend it was super chilly in the 60’s which made me so happy, so I decided it was time to break out my party-ready outfits and embrace the Christmas spirit!

This sparkly, pleated skirt is hands-down one of my most favorite pieces in my closet. I bought it at Zara a couple of years ago and love the chevron pattern that brings these red and pink hues together. I’ve got to be honest, I normally don’t love the collections that Zara puts out each season - I was intrigued by them more in college, but every once in awhile I find a piece that I just can’t live without and this skirt happened to be one of those pieces. Plus, their prices are generally pretty affordable which is always nice!

I was a bit stumped on what to pair with this skirt this season. I didn’t want to do a repeat of what I wore a couple of years ago, and I was so close to purchasing this sleek, black bodysuit during Black Friday weekend to elevate the skirt a bit more and do an evening look. But I just didn’t feel super compelled to spend money on an outfit that I was really only going to wear once or twice a year, so as I was going through my closet I stumbled upon this burgundy sweater I forgot I had which ended up being perfect with the skirt! It played off of the red tones and created more of a color block statement with the belt tying the entire look together. It felt that much more gratifying to create a new outfit using items I already had in my closet - I love it when that happens!

We have a couple of parties that we’re going to this month, but none of them require something this dressed up 😉 Who says you need a reason to dress up though?! Whether you’re going to a party, out to dinner, or having a few friends over, you can still dress up and embrace the holiday spirit just because you feel like it! Tis the season to be jolly and don’t let others dull your sparkle. You do you, girl! 👏🏻🌟 Keep scrolling to check out some other party-ready pieces that I’m swooning over this holiday season!