Faith Over Fear: How I'm Finding Calm In The Chaos


It’s crazy how much can change in one day. It seems like every hour there’s new information around the ever-evolving Coronavirus pandemic and it’s hard not to get caught up in the chaos. In my Instagram post on Sunday, I shared the quote “Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fear”; it was a phrase that brought my Dad a lot of comfort throughout his battle with brain cancer (Glioblastoma Multiforme). I miss my Dad so so much and I’ll continue to miss him every single day, but I have felt overwhelmed with gratitude these past couple of weeks that he isn’t here on Earth having to deal with this pandemic on top of everything else he was going through. My Dad is fully healed and whole now in Heaven and I am incredibly thankful for that! Even though he’s gone, I still feel like he is guiding me. As I reflect on how he lived his life, his legacy is helping me navigate this time of uncertainty. I wanted to share 3 ways I’m trying to find calm in the midst of the storm!


Staying Centered Through Prayer & Meditation

My faith in God has helped me through so many trials I’ve faced in my life (let’s be honest, ALL the trials!), and I wouldn’t be who I am today without Him. I have a different perspective on life, knowing that I have eternity to look forward to where there will be no more pain or suffering, so I try not to over-obsess or worry about the chaos around me. Praying throughout the day and reading my daily devotional helps me to re-center myself on what truly matters and focus on things above. I also have been doing daily meditations on the Tone It Up fitness app and I love them! There are so many guided meditations that focus on various topics like stress relief, self-love, kindness, gratitude and many more. I have been working from home for the past couple of weeks, so I have been taking 10 minute breaks throughout my day to take some deep breaths, close my eyes and meditate—it has been a game-changer for my mental health and makes me feel more at peace.

Making Time for Fitness

Keeping up with my workout routine has helped me feel a sense of normalcy and has helped me keep a positive mindset. We all know that exercise gives you endorphins (thanks Elle Woods) which improves our sleep and reduces our stress levels. Even if I’m not feeling up to a HIIT or intense cardio workout, doing 30 minutes of yoga has calmed all the thoughts swirling around in my mind and allowed me to focus on my body. Staying active has made me feel stronger and has tired me out so I sleep better at night. Fitness + sleep + keeping up with my daily vitamins is the recipe I’m following to take care of my body and mind.


Gratitude Journaling

When we start to give into fear, our body’s recognizes and senses that energy. Let’s be mindful of the energy we are projecting, not only for ourselves, but for others around us who might be going through a difficult time as well. Practicing daily gratitude has helped me feel thankful for what I do have, rather than stressing about what I don’t have (like a surplus of toilet paper lol). I’ve been writing down 5 things every day that I’m thankful for—not big things, but little things that made me smile or laugh within the past 24 hours. This is a practice I learned from Rachel Hollis and it has helped me feel grounded, especially during times of doubt and fear.

Freddy and I took these photos back in January, the day before my Dad passed away to be exact. It’s interesting looking at these pictures, looking at me in the past, before I knew that I was going to lose him in less than 12 hours. Before I knew the deep heartache I would feel knowing that I would never get to talk to my Dad again or give him a hug. Before I knew that Coronavirus was going to sweep across the globe and cause all sorts of fear, confusion and anxiety. We never know what’s going to happen today, tomorrow or a year from now, but when things do happen that turn our world upside-down, we can choose how we react. My goal is to be a role model, just as my Dad was for me, walking by faith and being grateful for all that God has given me: my family, friends, my home—the list goes on and on. I pray that you are able to find peace today, this week, and in the months to come, and that your faith would be bigger than your fear.

Podcast Episodes I’ve Enjoyed This Week (Motivational, Educational or just plain Funny!):

The Brendon Show - Coronavirus: Fear, Focus and Forecast - Part 1

Office Ladies - The Secret

Royally Obsessed - The Sussexes Take Their Final Bows As Senior Royals